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40 Years ago
I attended Northeastern University in the early 1980’s. As an Electrical Engineering major we were required to take Thermodynamics, which was a mechanical engineering course, and I was dreading it! I had heard it was a very difficult course and quite frankly the subject matter didn’t interest me at all. However, there are not many professors that I remember 40 years later, but I certainly remember Professor Yener. I actually really enjoyed his course immensely and that was because Professor Yener was a superb professor!! I actually enjoyed attending his class and I did very well it in. I am sure he is missed by all who knew him!

– Andy Sebo

Honored to be part of his legacy
I am honored to have been selected as the recipient of the Yaman Yener Memorial Graduate Scholarship. I am a Ph.D. student in Northeastern University, Industrial Engineering Department. Unfortunately, I did not have the chance to meet with Professor Yener. Still, I understand how Professor Yener was an amazing person, professor, and friend from my friends, professors, and advisor. Everyone talks about him with great admiration for his distinguished personality, invaluable support for students, and academic studies. I sincerely believe that he is an inspiration for everyone. I want to thank the generous donors who have made this scholarship possible. As we continue to recover from a year of uncertainty, this award will significantly help me. As a Yaman Yener Memorial Graduate Scholar, I feel a part of his legacy and will always remember Yener’s family with gratitude. I will try to make the best use of this remarkable chance.

– Burcu Ozek

Dear Burcu, we are really sorry that you did not have a chance to meet with Yaman. But also we are so happy to know that you got this award on a very special date; October 18, 2021 which his 75th birthday. We congratulate you again and truly believe that you will be an inspiration for the others in the near future. Best wishes.

– Demet Yener

A true inspiration to the Northeastern community
I have had the privilege of working with Yaman’s family to celebrate his life. After reading all the stories, watching the memorial video, and looking through the images, I am inspired to be more like him–both in my career at Northeastern and in my personal life as well. He was an incredible person.

– Dave Manning

Dearest Dave, we are so lucky to have you, this website you created is incredible! Thank you so much again for all your talent, time and effort. Warmest regards.

– Demet Yener

Demet Yener said: October 18th, 2020 10:11 am
This year’s Yaman Yener Memorial Graduate Scholarship award goes to Necati Oguz Dogan who is in Industrial Engineering Ph.D program at Northeastern University. He obtained his bachelors and Master of Science degrees in Industrial Engineering in Turkey from TOBB University of Economics and Technology and his current study focused on the optimization of last-mile delivery systems considering the social and environmental impacts. Charlotte Troyanowski, Senior Director of Donor Relations of Northeastern University comments on this year’s award as — I see the imprint of Yaman’s legacy in this network of connections between Turkey and College of Engineering of Northeastern. Through my conversations with you, I gained an appreciation for how he worked to encourage, mentor, and recruit promising scholars from Turkey. The impact of his efforts is embodied in the success of students like Necati and the Yener Scholars before him. I often hear students express that a scholarship is more than financial support; it is also evidence that there is a broader community invested in their advancement and success. It warmed my heart when I read in Necati’s letter that news of the scholarship buoyed his spirits — CANIM YAMANCIM, TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY, HAPPY 74TH BIRTHDAY. IYI KI DOGDUN

Necati Oguz Duman said: October 14th, 2020 01:04 pm
I am writing to say that I am honored and grateful to be the Yaman Yener Memorial Graduate Scholarship recipient for the 2020-2021 academic year. Since I arrived at Northeastern University in 2016, I found the chance to work with and learn from great professors and industry experts from different backgrounds. The knowledge and experience I gained during my Ph.D. studies have improved me a lot as a researcher. The ongoing pandemic did not significantly impact my academic life. However, it brought worry for the health of my family and friends. Additionally, reduced social contact with friends makes life more challenging. Receiving your kindness in such uncertain times has lifted my spirit. I continue working on my dissertation, which is focused on the optimization of last-mile delivery systems considering the social and environmental impacts. Until learning that I was awarded the Yaman Yener Memorial Graduate Scholarship, I did not know about Prof. Yener. When I read the messages on his memorial website, I learned that he was a great researcher and a respected and loved mentor and friend to many people. Therefore, I consider myself privileged to be a Yaman Yener Scholar and part of his legacy. I will put this chance to good use, focus more on my research, and develop my skills, which will help me achieve my goals. Thank you for supporting the graduate students like me at Northeastern University. I hope I will have the chance to help students to achieve their goals as you did for me.

Demet Yener said: June 14th, 2020 10:11 am
Bir yil daha gecivermis ve senden ayri gecirdigimiz 7inci yil bitmis, zaman akip gidiyor…Derler ki zaman herseyi halleder ve acilari azaltir. Ama bu nereye kadar dogru? Evet belki sensiz yasamayi biraz ogrendik, seninle paylasmadigimiz bu hayatttan birseyler ogrenmeye devam ediyoruz, gunluk problemlerimizi cozmeye ve hatta yasamaktan zevk almaya calisiyoruz. Ama her attigimiz adimda senin yoklugunu hissediyoruz, veya varligini demek belki daha dogru. Cunku aklimiz da, kalbimiz de hep sen varsin; Yaman bunu gorse ne kadar cok severdi, Yaman burada soyle dusunurdu, Yaman su problemi soyle cozerdi, Yaman bunu kabul etmezdi…Seni o kadar cok iyi taniyoruz ki, bize ogrettigin butun o guzel deger yargilari o kadar cok icimize girmis ki cogu zaman bizi aydinlatiyor, yonlendiriyor, rahatlatiyor — canim benim, sana simdi doya doya sarilabilseydim, kokunu ve sesini duyabilseydim — Aslinda hemen hemen hersey biraktigin gibi, orada ve burada ki duzenimiz de. Senin onaylamayacagini bildigim hicbirseyi yapmamaya calisiyorum, sanki bir gun kapidan iceri girip “Aferin Demet ben yokken durumu guzel idara etmissin” demeni bekler gibiyim. Bugunler Istanbul’da geciyor fakat heryerde buyuk sikintilar ve belirsizlikler var. Butun dunyanin senin gibi insancil, sevecen, mantikli, pozitif ve problem cozebilen insanlara her zamankinden daha cok ihtiyaci var. Simdi yanimizda olabilseydin bizleri ve etrafinda ki herkezi olumlu yaklasimlarinla ne kadar cok rahatlatir ve sogukkkanli hareket etmeye yonlendirirdin. Demek ki zaman gectikce boyle olacak: Seni hep her zamankinden daha fazla sevecek, ozliyecek, anlayacak ve anacagiz. Canim Yamancim hayatimiz da iyi ki vardin, iyi ki varsin…

Yaren Bilge Kaya said: October 25th, 2019 10:11 am
I am honored to be this year’s recipient of the Yaman Yener Memorial Graduate Scholarship and would like to start by telling how grateful I am for this generous opportunity. I am a first year PhD. student in the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering department at Northeastern University. Although I did not meet Prof. Yener in person, I had a chance to read about his academic career and it was enough for me to understand how great of a professor he was. I feel privileged to be one of the lives that he touched and hopefully one day I will be an amazing professor like him. I promise to make best use of this opportunity.

Zeynep Yener said: June 14th, 2019 12:24 pm
Tam 6 sene once yine bir Cuma sabahi kollarimizin arasindayken bizden ayrildin. Bir gun gecmiyor ki, ah babamla sunu paylasabilseydim, ona sorabilseydim, dertlesebilseydim demedigim. Dogru zannettigim seylerin yanlis oldugunu goruyorum, veya da tam tersini. Ozellikle yasadiklarim kafami karistirdigi zaman sana daha cok ihtiyacim oluyor. Kendimi bir cozum arayisi icinde buluyorum ama bir kanadimin kirik oldugunu da hissediyorum. Her yil oldugu gibi yine bir kac haftayi Boston’da gecirdim ve cok guzel bir surprizle karsilastim; 30 yil kadar once kendi ellerinle bana yaptigin ucurtmayi evin garajinda buldum! Hic bozulmamis, sanki dun yapmissin gibi beni bekliyordu orada. Tekrar onu ucurdugumuz gune gittim. Tipki o ucurtmanin uctugu gibi, sen benim hep oyle ozgur, ozguvenli, rahat, kendinden emin ve cesur ama ayni zamanda esaslarima, degerlerime, sevgiye, sevdiklerime bagli ve mert olmami isterdin. O ruzgar ara sira hafiflessede ben yine de ucmaya calisiyorum baba! Northeastern Universitesinde senin icin duzenlenen anma toreninde de soylemistim; zor gunlerde baskalarindan sevgi ve teselli beklemek yerine, kuvvetli olup ayni uzuntuyu yasayan baskalarina destek ve sevgi gostermek isterim. Yine bu son Boston seyahatimde ogrendim ki, o cok keyif aldiginiz poker grubuna Alpay amca senden sonra hic katilmamis. Hatta seni kaybettikten sonra bizi bile arayamamisti (onun yerine sessizce senin icin cok guzel bir siir yazmisti). Anliyorum kendisini, bazen o kadar derin bir uzuntu duyabilir ki insan kabullenemez yeni durumlari. Bunu duyunca anneme Alpay amcalari ziyaret etmek istiyorum dedim ve boylece seneler sonra tekrar beraber olmanin mutlulugunu yasadik! Seni anarak hem gulduk hem uzulduk ama daha cok gulduk. Birbirimizi cok ozlemisiz, en cok da seni. Bu olayi daha sonra diger poker arkadaslarinla da paylastik ve ogrendim ki bu Pazar Babalar Gunu poker grubu bir araya gelecek ve Alpay amca da katilacakmis. Bunu duyunca o kadar cok mutlu oldum ki ve kendime tekrar soz verdim; kendim zor gunler yasasam da, etrafima gosterdigim duyarliligi ve sevgiyi eksik birakmamaliyim. Babalar gunun kutlu olsun babacigim, seni cok seviyorum.

Demet Yener said: June 14th, 2019 7:24 am
Canim Yamancim, 6 sene evvel yine boyle bir Cuma gunu bizden ayrilmistin. Seni herzmankinden daha da cok ozluyorum. Su gunlerde Newton’ daki evimizdeyim, seninle en cok yasadigimiz evde. Evin her kosesinde hatiralarin var ve bu beni rahatsiz etmek birtarafa huzur veriyor. Sadece guzel hatiralarimizi dusunuyorm, komik hikayelerimizi aniyorum. Ve seni tanidigim icin, birlikte yasadiklarimiz icin ne kadar sansli oldugumu biliyorum. Sadece ev degil ama sehrin kendisi, universiten, aile dostlarimiz, ogrencilerin…butun bunlar etrafimi sarmis samimi olarak bana “Yaman ne kadar guzel bir adamdi” diyorlar durmadan. Universitede inanilmaz bir “Science&Engineering Center” yaratmislar, temeli senin zamaninda atilan. Gorsen ne kadar iftahar ederdin! Gecen hafta Yalcin’larin evinde diger arkadaslarla bol bol seni konustuk, herkez seninle yasadiklari komik bir hikayesini anlatti, cok gulduk! Zeynep’le Alpay’I ziyarete gittik, senden sonra hicbir poker oyununa katilamamis ama bu Pazar gunu icin sonunda onu da ikna etmisler! Ogrencilerin Yusuf ve Erkan’la bol bol seni andik. Yusuf hala park yerinde senin arabani gorecegini zannediyormus! Hayat simdilik boyle gidiyor ama zamanla hersey de yavas yavas degisiyor. Degismiyen sevgimiz, ozlemimiz ve senin ne kadar guzel bir adam oldugun…

Can Kani Uner said: October 10th, 2018 1:57 pm
Can Kani Uner. I am the recipient of Yaman Yener Memorial Graduate Scholarship for the 2018-2019 academic year. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for such an opportunity. I am extremely grateful. I chose to attend Northeastern University Electrical & Computer Engineering Department in order to gain a greater degree of aptitude and build strong fundamentals in signal processing. After completing my MS degree, I would like to be a part of the global research and development in this area, widen the applications of computer vision in such extend that it couldn’t have been imagined couple decades ago. In summer 2018, there was an economic crisis in Turkey, which resulted in precipitous devaluation of Turkish lira against USD, adversely affecting my family like many others. The Yaman Yener Memorial Graduate Scholarship came in such a time of need. This award enabled me to continue my education with ease of mind, allowing me to concentrate on my graduate studies more efficiently. I am honored and delighted to be the recipient of this scholarship, which is provided in memory of a distinguished Turkish engineer and eminent leader. As a Yener Scholar, I am fully aware that I have become part of Yaman Yener’s legacy and a member of a community of remembrance. I will try to make best use of this remarkable chance.

Zeynep Yener said: June 14th, 2018 3:21 pm
Son birkac aydir bana soyledigin bir soz surekli aklimda “Durumlar, olaylar surekli degisir. Onemli olan sen nasil karsiliyorsun” Lise ve universiteyi bitirdiğim zaman, once New York’a ve sonrasında da Istanbul’a sans vermem benim icin buyuk degisimlerdi. Hepsini de olumlu ve heyecanla karsiladım. Cok da fazla zorlanmadim cunku bu degisimlere hazirdim belki de. Peki ya hayal kirikliklari? Sonucta hayal kirikligi degisimi tetikler fakat ben o degisimleri kabul etmek zorunda miyim? Sen simdi yanimda olsaydin, “nasil yani ben robot muyum da surekli istemedigim durumlari kabul edecekmisim” diye sinirlenirdim. Tabii ki senin tam oyle demek istemedigini biliyorum. Ama galiba ben de daha yeni yeni anliyabiliyorum. Hayatimin her kisminda bazilari ufak tefek de olsa hayal kirikliklari yasadim. Is hayatimda, sosyal çevremdeki bazi arkadaslar veya kalbimle sevdiğim kisiler bir takim hayal kirikliklari yaratti. Bunlarin hepsi beni cok uzdu ama sonra hep senin dedigin aklima geldi “onemli olan sen nasil karsiliyorsun” Daha sonra fark ettim ki, bu degisimleri kabul etmen degil olay. Kizacagim, bagiracagim, ofkelecegim, uzulecegim, agliyacagim, hatta cok aglayacagim. AMA sonra ne yapacagim? Iste o an kendime dondum ve anladim ki cozum bende. Etrafimi anlamaya calismak ve degisimleri kabul etmek yerine, ONCE kendimi anlamam gerektigini anladim. Cozumlerin once kendi icimde baslayacagini anladim. Mesela isimde tamamen kendi dusundugum bir projeyi kabul ettirdim. Buyuk bir zevkle ve kendi dogrularimla sekillendirmeye calisiyorum. Samimiyetsiz ve beni uzen insanlari çevremden uzaklastirip, bana vaktini vermek isteyen, bana iyilikler yapmak isteyen, baktiginda gozlerinin ici gulen insanlara zaman veriyorum. En onemlisi de beni sevenle sevgimi paylasmam gerektigini biliyorum. Einstein da demis “The only constant is change” Senin de dedigin gibi “ama onemli olan sen bu degisimi nasil karsiliyorsun” Ben de son olarak bunu eklemek isterim babacigim – Bu karsilasma ilk kendi icinde baslar.

Demet Yener said: February 5th, 2018 8:56 pm
It is an honor to share that Ilke Boyaci, the industrial engineering doctoral student who has been selected to receive the Yaman Yener Memorial Graduate Scholarship Fund for the 2017-2018 academic year. Ilke earned a master’s degree in industrial engineering from Northeastern in 2011, following her undergraduate studies at Kırıkkale Üniversitesi. During her graduate career, she has led a project at Massachusetts General Hospital in an effort to improve the treatment of patients with diabetes and her work has the potential to help countless individuals. In her letter to us she says “In 2009, my first year in United States, I had my first in-person meeting Professor Yener. He was the first faculty I had met with at Northeastern University. He was kind and generous enough to accommodate me in his busy schedule, and to share his most valuable insight and expertise starting my graduate journey at Northeastern University. After my admission to Northeastern, we always kept in touch, and it was such a warm feeling to have him call me by name and to see his kind, fatherly smile every time I ran into him in the Snell Engineering Building. Being from the same country, sharing the same roots, I was always very proud to mention him and his success in my conversations with people. That is why this scholarship has a very special and sentimental meaning to me… It is difficult to reflect my feelings for Professor Yener, and his memorial scholarship, in words. I am most certain that what I have written is not nearly enough to express my gratitude, like the tears I had in my eyes when I heard that he is now in Heaven”. Yaman was a welcoming presence for her, and she looks back on her memories of him with fondness…

Ilke Boyaci said:   October 18th, 2017  11:11 am 
I am writing this as a proof of my appreciation to your generosity that allowed me to get the Yaman Yener Memorial Graduate Scholarship for 2017-2018 academic year. I am currently seeking my Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering, and my dissertation focuses on personalized treatment for Type 2 diabetes patients via statistical analysis of electronic medical records collected from Massachusetts General Hospital with collaboration of Partners Healthcare. I am inspired to better the processes that we go through daily, and affect our lives directly or indirectly by determining the mishaps using past data sets. In 2009, my first year in United States, I had my first in-person meeting Professor Yener. He was the first faculty I had met with at Northeastern University. He was kind and generous enough to accommodate me in his busy schedule, and to share his most valuable insight and expertise starting my graduate journey at Northeastern University. After my admission to Northeastern, we always kept in touch, and it was such a warm feeling to have him call me by name and to see his kind, fatherly smile every time I ran into him in the Snell Engineering Building. When I received the letter graduate school stating that I have been chosen for the Yaman Yener Memorial Graduate Scholarship, I found myself, with a big smile on my face, jumping up and down out of happiness and excitement. Besides providing a financial relief, the scholarship helped me to gain my confidence as a self-sufficient individual and made me have hopes again that there is always a way if you work hard enough and you want something. It is difficult to reflect my feelings for Professor Yener, and his memorial scholarship, in words. I am most certain that what I have written is not nearly enough to express my gratitude, like the tears I had in my eyes when I heard that he is now in Heaven.

Zeynep Yener said: June 14th, 2017 8:39 am
En cok neyini özledim biliyor musun?… O kalin merceklerin arkasından piril piril sevkatle bakan gözlerini… Keyif aldiginda dişlerini sikip yaramaz bir çocuk gibi gulusunu, ve gülerek baksan bile o sabitlenmiş catik kaslarini!… Tombik parmaklarinin arasinda ki dolmakalemini kullanarak yazdigin o güzel el yazilarinini… Ama sabahlari gelip yanagimdan opup sonra da makas alarak beni uyandirman en cok ozledigim… Inan ki her sabah bunu düşünerek uyanip günüme devam ediyorum… Seni cok özledim baba…

Demet Yener said: June 14th, 2017 7:38 am
“Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation”.~ Rumi~ Seni gozlerimin onunde goremeden bir 4 sene gecmis gitmis ama sanki hep yanimdasin, bizimlesin… Nasil oyle hissetmeyelim ki? Sen bizim hayatta en cok sevdigimiz, deger verdigimiz, guvendigimiz, saydigimiz, inandigimiz, yaninda huzur buldugumuz, varliginla en cok mutlu oldugumuz, en guzel anilari beraber yasadigimiz, herseyimizsin, canimizsin sevgili Yamanimâ.

Demet Yener said: November 18th, 2016 10:02 am
We are delighted to share information about the 2016-2017 beneficiary of the fund that bears Yaman’s name. The College of Engineering Graduate Studies Office has selected a second-year Industrial Engineering Ph.D. student named Melike Hazal Can to receive the scholarship. She was born and raised in Izmir, Turkey. She has her BS degree in Industrial Engineering from Istanbul Technical University, and her MS degree in Industrial Engineering from Bogazici University. In her letter to us she says “Currently I am in my second year of the PhD program in Industrial Engineering at Northeastern University, with a concentration in healthcare systems. When I was pursuing my bachelor’s degree at Istanbul Technical University, I learned that Industrial Engineering provides various tools to solve different kinds of problems in healthcare. I always wanted to make a significant positive impact on the lives of people in the community. Therefore, I decided to specialize in healthcare as my main line of research, and I have been doing research in healthcare applications since that time. I plan to pursue an academic career by focusing on healthcare applications upon graduating from Northeastern University”. We are gratified by the impact this fund is able to have on her academic career and her ambitions to follow Yaman’s lead and be a role model to the next generation of engineers. We are truly ensuring that my husband’s memory and legacy will provide strong and lasting support and encouragement for graduate students at Northeastern. Thank you Melike Hazal!

Melike H. Can said: November 16th, 2016 3:31 pm
I am so honored to be the recipient of the Yaman Yener Memorial Graduate Scholarship this academic year. Unfortunately, I could not have the chance to meet Professor Yener in person. However, I have been very well-informed about his distinguished academic studies, his invaluable support for Turkish students, specifically for female students’ education. He was not only a very successful professor in his field, but also a great inspiration for all of his students, academicians both in Turkey and in the US (especially at Northeastern) by encouraging and supporting hundreds of highly talented and promising Turkish students to get higher education in the US and pursue a career in academia. I believe that many of his students, Turkish researchers and academicians, including myself, would honor his name and continue his legacy by providing guidance and support to the next generations for their higher education, who are willing to take the science one step further. I am deeply grateful to Mrs. Demet Yener, Ms. Zeynep Yener and all donors for their support which will help me to accomplish continued success in my academic life.

Melike H. Can said: November 16th, 2016 3:19 pm
Bu yıl Yaman Yener Anısı Vakfı’nın bursunu alan öğrenci olmaktan ötürü büyük onur duyuyorum. Ben ne yazık ki Yaman Hocamızı bizzat tanıma şansına erişemedim; ancak kendisini, akademik çalışmalarını, Türk öğrenciler için verdiği desteği, özellikle kız öğrencilerin eğitimine verdiği önemi, onun öğrencilerinden dinlemiş, öğrenmiştim. Değerli hocamız, birçok Türk öğrencinin elinden tuttuğu gibi, benim de hayatıma mucizevi bir sekilde dokunmuş oldu. Sadece çok başarılı çalışmalara imza atan bir bilim insanı olmakla kalmayıp yüzlerce öğrencinin ABD’de eğitim almasını sağlayarak onları bilim dünyasına kazandırmış, böylece hem ülkemizdeki, hem ABD’deki (özellikle Northeastern’daki) Türk öğrencilere ve akademisyenlere örnek olmuş ve olmaya devam etmektedir. İnanıyorum ki, Yaman Hocamızın yetiştirdiği ve/veya desteklediği, kendim de dahil olmak üzere, birçok Türk öğrenci ve akademisyen, onun bizlere gösterdiği yolda ilerleyip gelecek nesillere rehberlik ederek, onları bilimi daha ileriye taşıma konusunda destekleyerek Yaman Hocamızın anısını en anlamlı şekilde yaşatmaya devam edeceklerdir. Bu burs sayesinde eğitimime ve araştırmalarıma devam etme olanağı sağladıkları için öncelikle Demet Yener ve Zeynep Yener’e ve destek olan tüm bağışçılara çok teşekkür ediyorum.

Zeynep Yener said: June 14th, 2016 4:09 pm
Bugun ucuncu sene… ve “3” rakami bizim ugurlu rakamimiz! Bana herkez derdi ki zamanla hafifleyecek, kabulleneceksin, acilar daha azalacak. Evet belki zaman zaman kabullenmeye baslamis olabilirim… Ama ne yazik ki uc yil gecmis bile olsa yasadiklarimi, ogrendiklerimi, tecrubelerimi ve sorularimi hala seninle paylasmayi nasil ozluyorum, nasil da ihtiyacim var. Sanki yanimda olmadigin icin kararlarimi da sorguluyorum (ve boyle yaptigim icinde kendime kiziyorum!). Ruyalarima arada sirada giriyorsun ve konusabiliyoruz… ama bu yetmiyor bana. Zaman zaman ihtiyac duyuyorum senin beni akilica yonlendirmeni, benim kararlarima “aferin” demeni veya onaylamamani! Ve onaylamadigin zaman da kendimi savunmaya calismami! Fakat bunlarin hepsini icimden gecirdikden sonra bunlar da aklima geliyor… biliyorum ki ben ne yaparsam yapayim, nerede olursam olayim, ne kararlar verirsem vereyim, ne hatalar yaparsam yapayim… babam benim her zaman yanimda, arkamda, ve her zaman beni destekler. Cunku neden? Dedigin gibi “olaylar, durumlar surekli degisir… onemli olan sen nasil karsiliyorsun”. Simdi annem ucakta, yanima geliyor ve nasil mutluyum. Bu ucuncu sene biraz da yeni bir baslangic bizim icin (ve basta dedigim gibi “3” bizim ugurlu rakamimiz… ne kadar entersan?). Sevgiyle ve mutlulukla karsilayacagim onu bir yandan seninle konusmaya, dertlesmeye ve sevinclerimi paylasmaya da devam ederken, biliyorum…

Demet Yener said: June 14th, 2016 9:05 am
Uc sene mi gecmis canim? Her sey daha dun gibi! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Esinizi kaybettiginiz zaman, sadece sevdiginiz birini degil ama ayni zamanda hergun onunla birlikte gecirdiginiz hayati da kaybediyorsunuz. Ne kadar kuvvetli olursaniz olun bu kolay bir durum degil. Umarim zamanla hayat daha kolay bir hale girer, sevdiklerimizin bizi dusundugunu bilerek kendimizi daha kuvvetli ve rahat hissederiz. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Herseye ragmen degistiremiyecegimiz gercek Zeynep ve benim seni cok ama cok sevdigimiz…

Tuğçe Kaşıkcı said: May 16th, 2016 3:22 pm
Dear Professor, Today, I finished my Doctorate degree and I kept my promise to you. In this exhausting but very important journey, I can’t imagine what I would do without your support. I always felt your protective soul on me even after your passing. Now, if you let me, I would like to dedicate my studies to your name. From now on, I will do my best to pass the support that I received from you on to the future students. You are always in my heart and prayers, and I always will remember you with great love and respect. Thank you so much for everything.

Tuğçe Kaşıkcı said: May 16th, 2016 3:17 pm
Değerli Yaman Hocam, Ben bugün size verdiğim bir sözü gerçekleştirdim ve doktoramı bitirdim. Bu yorucu fakat ulvi yolda, sizin desteğiniz olmadan ne yapardım bilemiyorum. Vefatınızdan sonra bile elinizi hep üzerimde hissettim. Eğer kabul ederseniz, bu çalışmamı size adamak istiyorum. Bundan sonraki hayatımda da sizden gördüğüm desteği gelecek nesillere aktarabilmek için elimden gelen herşeyi yapacağım. Her zaman kalbimde ve dualarımdasınız ve sizi her zaman büyük bir özlem ve saygıyla anıyorum. Her şey için çok teşekkür ederim.

Melike H. Can said: November 16th, 2016 3:19 pm
Bu yıl Yaman Yener Anısı Vakfı’nın bursunu alan öğrenci olmaktan ötürü büyük onur duyuyorum. Ben ne yazık ki Yaman Hocamızı bizzat tanıma şansına erişemedim; ancak kendisini, akademik çalışmalarını, Türk öğrenciler için verdiği desteği, özellikle kız öğrencilerin eğitimine verdiği önemi, onun öğrencilerinden dinlemiş, öğrenmiştim. Değerli hocamız, birçok Türk öğrencinin elinden tuttuğu gibi, benim de hayatıma mucizevi bir sekilde dokunmuş oldu. Sadece çok başarılı çalışmalara imza atan bir bilim insanı olmakla kalmayıp yüzlerce öğrencinin ABD’de eğitim almasını sağlayarak onları bilim dünyasına kazandırmış, böylece hem ülkemizdeki, hem ABD’deki (özellikle Northeastern’daki) Türk öğrencilere ve akademisyenlere örnek olmuş ve olmaya devam etmektedir. İnanıyorum ki, Yaman Hocamızın yetiştirdiği ve/veya desteklediği, kendim de dahil olmak üzere, birçok Türk öğrenci ve akademisyen, onun bizlere gösterdiği yolda ilerleyip gelecek nesillere rehberlik ederek, onları bilimi daha ileriye taşıma konusunda destekleyerek Yaman Hocamızın anısını en anlamlı şekilde yaşatmaya devam edeceklerdir. Bu burs sayesinde eğitimime ve araştırmalarıma devam etme olanağı sağladıkları için öncelikle Demet Yener ve Zeynep Yener’e ve destek olan tüm bağışçılara çok teşekkür ediyorum.

Zeynep Yener said: June 14th, 2016 4:09 pm
Bugun ucuncu sene… ve “3” rakami bizim ugurlu rakamimiz! Bana herkez derdi ki zamanla hafifleyecek, kabulleneceksin, acilar daha azalacak. Evet belki zaman zaman kabullenmeye baslamis olabilirim… Ama ne yazik ki uc yil gecmis bile olsa yasadiklarimi, ogrendiklerimi, tecrubelerimi ve sorularimi hala seninle paylasmayi nasil ozluyorum, nasil da ihtiyacim var. Sanki yanimda olmadigin icin kararlarimi da sorguluyorum (ve boyle yaptigim icinde kendime kiziyorum!). Ruyalarima arada sirada giriyorsun ve konusabiliyoruz… ama bu yetmiyor bana. Zaman zaman ihtiyac duyuyorum senin beni akilica yonlendirmeni, benim kararlarima “aferin” demeni veya onaylamamani! Ve onaylamadigin zaman da kendimi savunmaya calismami! Fakat bunlarin hepsini icimden gecirdikden sonra bunlar da aklima geliyor… biliyorum ki ben ne yaparsam yapayim, nerede olursam olayim, ne kararlar verirsem vereyim, ne hatalar yaparsam yapayim… babam benim her zaman yanimda, arkamda, ve her zaman beni destekler. Cunku neden? Dedigin gibi “olaylar, durumlar surekli degisir… onemli olan sen nasil karsiliyorsun”. Simdi annem ucakta, yanima geliyor ve nasil mutluyum. Bu ucuncu sene biraz da yeni bir baslangic bizim icin (ve basta dedigim gibi “3” bizim ugurlu rakamimiz… ne kadar entersan?). Sevgiyle ve mutlulukla karsilayacagim onu bir yandan seninle konusmaya, dertlesmeye ve sevinclerimi paylasmaya da devam ederken, biliyorum…

Demet Yener said: June 14th, 2016 9:05 am
Uc sene mi gecmis canim? Her sey daha dun gibi! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Esinizi kaybettiginiz zaman, sadece sevdiginiz birini degil ama ayni zamanda hergun onunla birlikte gecirdiginiz hayati da kaybediyorsunuz. Ne kadar kuvvetli olursaniz olun bu kolay bir durum degil. Umarim zamanla hayat daha kolay bir hale girer, sevdiklerimizin bizi dusundugunu bilerek kendimizi daha kuvvetli ve rahat hissederiz. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Herseye ragmen degistiremiyecegimiz gercek Zeynep ve benim seni cok ama cok sevdigimiz…

Tuğçe Kaşıkcı said: May 16th, 2016 3:22 pm
Dear Professor, Today, I finished my Doctorate degree and I kept my promise to you. In this exhausting but very important journey, I can’t imagine what I would do without your support. I always felt your protective soul on me even after your passing. Now, if you let me, I would like to dedicate my studies to your name. From now on, I will do my best to pass the support that I received from you on to the future students. You are always in my heart and prayers, and I always will remember you with great love and respect. Thank you so much for everything.

Tuğçe Kaşıkcı said: May 16th, 2016 3:17 pm
Değerli Yaman Hocam, Ben bugün size verdiğim bir sözü gerçekleştirdim ve doktoramı bitirdim. Bu yorucu fakat ulvi yolda, sizin desteğiniz olmadan ne yapardım bilemiyorum. Vefatınızdan sonra bile elinizi hep üzerimde hissettim. Eğer kabul ederseniz, bu çalışmamı size adamak istiyorum. Bundan sonraki hayatımda da sizden gördüğüm desteği gelecek nesillere aktarabilmek için elimden gelen herşeyi yapacağım. Her zaman kalbimde ve dualarımdasınız ve sizi her zaman büyük bir özlem ve saygıyla anıyorum. Her şey için çok teşekkür ederim.

Caglayan Dicle said: December 28th, 2015 1:53 pm
Sevgili Yaman Hocam, Bugun benim dogum gunum. Esim, kizim, annem, babam ve sevdiklerimle kutladigim, mutlu bir gun. Donup baktigimda onlarca insan aklima geliyor bugunun mutlu olmasinda ve mucadelelerin asilabilir olmasinda katkisi olan. O insanlar arasinda sizin onemli bir yeriniz var. Dilerim benim donemdeslerim sizin orneginizi takip edebilir; baskalarinin hayatlarina mutluluk asilayabilir, basarilarina destek cikabilir. Hasret ve sevgilerle

Caglayan Dicle said: December 28th, 2015 1:53 pm
Sevgili Yaman Hocam, Bugun benim dogum gunum. Esim, kizim, annem, babam ve sevdiklerimle kutladigim, mutlu bir gun. Donup baktigimda onlarca insan aklima geliyor bugunun mutlu olmasinda ve mucadelelerin asilabilir olmasinda katkisi olan. O insanlar arasinda sizin onemli bir yeriniz var. Dilerim benim donemdeslerim sizin orneginizi takip edebilir; baskalarinin hayatlarina mutluluk asilayabilir, basarilarina destek cikabilir. Hasret ve sevgilerle

Aybike Ulusan said: December 5th, 2015 1:32 pm
I would like to begin by stating how honored I am to be selected as a recipient of the Yaman Yener Memorial Graduate Scholarship. When I became aware of this scholarship through a column in one of the prominent newspapers in Turkey, “Cumhuriyet”, I felt a deep respect towards the founders of this organization, starting with Ms. Demet Yener, and I couldn’t think of a better way to make his memory eternal. Now, I feel grateful to be awarded with this scholarship that will enhance my studies. Even though I couldn’t meet Prof. Yaman Yener in person, I was well-informed of his outstanding studies, distinguished personality and success. While I will be using this scholarship for academic purposes, I will always be reminded of Prof. Yaman Yener and hope that someday I can be as successful in my field as he was. Thank you.

Demet Yener said: November 25th, 2015 11:37 am
“I read a lot of student thank you notes in the course of our day-to-day job—and none touch me as much as the letters written by the students who receive this scholarship. It is clear that your husband had a reputation as a caring and skillful mentor, and these students are deeply honored to be connected to him via this fund”. This note is from the Director of Donor Relations… This year, the College of Engineering has made awards from the Yaman Yener Memorial Graduate Scholarship fund to support the doctoral pursuits of three talented Turkish students: Aybike Ulusan, an industrial engineering PhD student; Caglayan Dicle, a chemical engineering PhD student; Tugce Kasikci, a mechanical engineering PhD student… Congratulations and thank you all! Through this fund, his influence continues to be felt…

Zeynep Yener said: June 15th, 2015 9:26 am
Babacigim, her gun yanimda oldugunu biliyorum… tesekkur ederim. Bu gectigimiz yil her yasadigim mutlulukta gulumsedigini, her uzuntumde bana sakince yol gosterdigini, ve basima gelen en komik durumlarda gozlerinin parladigi ve guldugunu hissediyorum! Bu yil yasadigim gelismelerde – kariyerimde, egitimimde ve ozel hayatimda – hep yanimda olup destekledigini biliyorum. Kizdigin zamanlarda var… onu da biliyorum, ama artik o kadar da olsun  Onu bile hissetmem beni mutlu ediyor. Hep yanimizda olmaya devam et, seni inanilmaz seviyorum…

Demet Yener said: June 14th, 2015 7:37 am
Senelerce her sabah birlikte geldigimiz, gun sonu her aksam birlikte evimize dondugumuz… Sen olmadan bir gun bile daha gidemem dedigim ama herseye ragmen devam ettigim senin universitende ki calisma hayatimi ben de birakiyorum canim. Iki sene olmus! Sensiz ama her gunu seninle birlikte yasanan bir iki sene…

Andy said: April 24th, 2015 11:41 am
I just came across this page. I had Dr. Yener as a professor in the yearly 1980’s and he was my very favorite professor (and for a very difficult subject – Thermodynamics). I remember him fondly and sorry to hear about his passing.

Brian McGuire said: March 18th, 2015 7:00 pm
I’ve just learned today about Yaman’s passing. To Demet and Zeynep, I don’t know if you remember me, but we met, and I am so sorry for your loss. Yaman hired me for my first real job in 1999 in the College of Engineering at Northeastern. I worked there under him for 8 years. During that time he believed in me and promoted me and did everything he could to make me successful. He was a gentleman and a scholar and I regret very much not having stayed in touch with him over the years, and for only realizing now how much he meant to me and to my future success. I fondly remember him and wish all who knew and loved him peace and good memories.

Tuğçe Kaşıkcı said: November 10th, 2014 1:25 pm
Dear Professor, We are still feeling your presence in so many ways around here. I am so proud to be the first student that was funded through the scholarship fund on your name. In the future, I really hope that I can educate and encourage the students in this hard but rewarding journey, just like you did to us. The most importantly, thank you, for your support.

Tuğçe Kaşıkcı said: November 10th, 2014 1:09 pm
Saygıdeğer Hocam, Aramızdan ayrılmıs olsanız da, emeğinizi her zaman üzerimizde hissediyoruz. Anınıza acilan vakıftan burs alan ilk öğrenci oldum ve bundan ötürü çok gururluyum. Umarım bu değer verildiğimiz hissini gelecek nesillere, ileride yetiştireceğim makina mühendislerine de aktarabilirim. Emekleriniz icin tekrardan binlerce kere teşekkür ederim.

Zeynep Yener said: November 5th, 2014 10:25 am
Tugce Kasikci, Yaman Yener Anisi Vakfi’nin bursunu alan ilk ogrenci oldu. Tugce de babam gibi ODTU Makina Muhendisligi bolumunden lisans diplomasini aldi ve Northeastern Universitesinin yine ayni bolumunde doktorasini yapiyor. Babam kiz ogrencilerin muhendislik egitimi almasina cok onem verir ve desteklerdi. Bu konuda yaptigi konusmalarda da ben sahsen defalarca bulunmustum. Tugce nin bu odulu almasina cok seviniyor, kendisiyle gurur duyuyor ve pek cok tebrik ediyorum…

Demet Yener said: November 5th, 2014 9:44 am
Tugce Kasikci is the first recipient of the Yaman Yener Memorial Foundation scholarship. Her undergrad degree is in Mechanical Engineering from Middle East Technical University in Ankara, like Yaman, and she is a PhD candidate from the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of Northeastern University in Boston. Yaman was always very supportive of “Woman in Engineering” and Northeastern could not have selected a better student than her to receive this award. We are so proud with you Tugce and wish you the best on your hard but rewarding journey…

Demet Yener said: October 18th, 2014 8:42 am
Canim, dogum gunun kutlu olsun! Iyi ki dogdun, iyi ki beraber olduk, iyi ki Zeynep oldu, iyi ki beraber buyuduk, iyi ki 40-50-60 dogumgunlerini dostlarimizla beraber kutladik ve boyle binlerce iyi kiler… Hepsi senin sayende…

Demet Yener said: September 15th, 2014 10:51 am
4 sene evvel bugun hayatimin en mutlu gunuydu cunki Yamancim inanilmaz basarili bir ameliyatla tekrar hayata dondurulmustu. Bize fazladan verdikleri zaman icin Indiana Universitesine ne kadar tesekkur etsek azdir… Hayat seninle beraberken guzeldi, seninle yasarken hayatin bir manasi vardi, uyandigim her sabah mutlu bir gunun sabahiydi! Canim benim seni cok ama cok seviyor ve ozluyoruz…

Zeynep Yener said: June 24th, 2014 3:07 pm
Bir yil gectigini kabul etmem cok zor. Kollarimda yasanan bir olaydi, benim icin hersey dun gibi yasandi. Bir senenin bir goz kirpmasi gibi gectigini hayatimda ilk defa bu yasimda hissettim. Bir suru sey benim icin hala degismedi ama ayni zamanda hayatim cok degisti ve ben cok degistim… Babam hakkinda yazmam gerekebilir fakat bu sefer annem icin yazmak istiyorum. Bir yarim babam ise, diger yarim da annem…Gozumle gordum, yasadim ve hissettim senin yasadiklarini. Acini, hayal kirikligini, mucadeleni, basardiklarini ve mutlulugunu. Butun o zorluklari yendigin icin herkez seninle gurur duyuyor, sayende motive oluyor. Babam da zaten hep soyluyordu. Sevginizi, sadakatinizi, dostlugunuzu ve birbirinize verdiginiz motivasyonu gordum. Yarin 38inci evlilik yildonumunuz ve yakaladiginiz bu beraberlik icin nasil sanslisiniz bir bilseniz! Siz ikiniz bir ekiptiniz ve bu dunyayi parmaginizda oynatabiliyordunuz! Babamin o zor durumunda benim hayatimi riske atmak soz konusu bile degildi sizin icin. Tip ilmini sasirttiniz hem de defalarca, literature gecip inanilmazi basardiniz! Ben de ne kadar sansliyim ki boyle zor gunlerde gosterdiginiz sevgi ve cesareti sizinle yasadim. Sizin sayenizde daha cok kuvvetlendim, guclendim. Babamin meshur sozlerinden birini “Kucuk insan kucuk, buyuk insan buyuk dusunur” unutamiyorum. Siz ikiniz de hepimize bunu ispatladiniz… Annecigim beraber zor gunler gecirdik, geciriyoruz ve gecirecegiz. Hayat bir test…Ama daha bana kendin bugun soyledin; iyi gunler sonsuza kadar devam edemez, kotu gunler de. Gunler, olaylar, durumlar durmadan degisiyor ama babamin dedigi gibi “Onemli olan sen nasil karsiliyorsun?” Bana gosterdiginiz degerler, ornek karakterler; verdiginiz hayat, cesaret, ozgurluk ve sevgi icin size borcluyum. Babam hep mert bir kiz olmami isterdi, sen de sevgi dolu… Biraz komiklik yapan biri oldum, kusura bakmayin… Ama ben bir babam yarisi, annem yarisiyim. Sizin sayenizde, siz oldugunuz icin ben oldum ve hersey icin tesekkur ederim.

Demet Yener said: June 14th, 2014 7:38 am
No matter what your physical appearances are, in any shape or form, it does not matter; if you really love someone, you love his/her soul – not the material body. I loved him when he was so vulnerable and weak; I loved him when he was in every bad shape, in every bad condition because of his illness; I loved him for his tender soul, incredible spirit, kindness, integrity, tamed ego, nobility, intelligence, loving/caring attitude not just for me but everyone around him! Just his existence, him breathing next to me was enough for me to feel ok, safe, and I did not need anything else at all… My love for Yaman was that kind of real love – not materialistic, with no expectations in return kind of love – based on total respect and trust. Our relationship was sincere, giving, caring, loving until the very end! If I could take care of him for another 20 years, I would easily – happily, without any complaints – do so, and be the happiest woman on the earth. ~~~~~~~It has been a year since our dear Yaman passed, but we still feel his loss acutely. The kindness of friends like you, however, has lifted our spirits. Because of you, we have reached a significant fundraising milestone in Yaman’s memory. We have together raised enough money for Yaman Yener Memorial Fund to celebrate his fatherly support of Turkish graduate students in perpetuity. Throughout his life, Yaman encouraged, challenged, and mentored his sudents. Your gift to the memorial fund extends his legacy. Zeynep and I are honored by your generosity and deeply grateful for your friendship. As we are missing him so deeply, to be able to help some students through his fund put a smile on our face.

Seyhan Erden said: January 6th, 2014 5:17 pm
Sevgili Yaman Abi’cim Nur icinde yat. Bize biraktigin degerlerle bir omur boyu idare edecegiz….

Nevin senkan said: February 4th, 2014 7:03 pm
Sevgili Yaman , Senin ve Demet’in en zor zamanlarimizda gosterdiginiz kardesliginizi hic bir zaman unutmadin. Seni her zamanki guleryuzunle hatirliyacagim. Nur icinde yat, ruhun sad olsun. Sevgili Demet ve Zeynep sizlere sabir diliyorum.

ERDOĞAN said: May 2nd, 2014 10:03 am
Saygıdeğer hanımefendi, Dün değerli eşinizYaman beyin kısa bir süre önce ebedi hayata intikal ettiğini üzülerek öğrendim, Kendisine ALLAH’tan rahmet siz değerli ailesine başşağlığı ve taziyelerimi sunarım.Sabırlar dilerim… Saygılarımla,

Nevin senkan said: February 4th, 2014 7:03 pm
Sevgili Yaman , Senin ve Demet’in en zor zamanlarimizda gosterdiginiz kardesliginizi hic bir zaman unutmadin. Seni her zamanki guleryuzunle hatirliyacagim. Nur icinde yat, ruhun sad olsun. Sevgili Demet ve Zeynep sizlere sabir diliyorum.

Seyhan Erden said:   January 6th, 2014 5:17 pm
Sevgili Yaman Abi’cim Nur icinde yat. Bize biraktigin degerlerle bir omur boyu idare edecegiz….

Alpay Oruç said:   December 19th, 2013 11:32 am
HE TRAVELED BETWEEN THE ETERNITIES Zaman gezmeniydi O Yalnız yıldız tozu değildi Canlıydı aynı zamanda.. Sonsuz geçmişle, sonsuz gelecek arasında Seyahat ediyordu. Aradaki kısa süreydi belki ama Sonsuzu ikiye bölmeye yetiyordu. Bir sonsuzdan gelmişti Yaman Diğerine gidiyordu. İki sonsuz arasında seyahat ediyordu. Doğdu-öldü Öldü doğdu Yaman. Ve her seferinde sonsuzu ikiye böldü ALPAY

Fatih Uğurdağ said:   October 26th, 2013 10:37 pm
Yaman Hoca’yı Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi’nde öğretim üyesi olduğum sırada tanıdım. Benimle çalışan bir lisans son sınıf öğrencisi Northeastern’a başvurmuştu ama ses çıkmamıştı. Önce MIT’de research engineer olarak çalışan bir tanıdığıma sorduğumda bana Yaman Hoca’nın ismini verdi ve kendisi ile temasa geçebileceğimi söyledi. Daha sonra kendisinin ismini Bahçeşehir’deki circle’lardan da duydum. Kendisine email attığımda hemen cevap verdi. Youtube’daki “A Celebration of Life: Yaman Yener” videosunda da herkesin söylediği gibi hiçbir söz vermedi ama çok kısa sürede öğrencime tam asistanlık içeren bir kabul mektubu geldi Northeastern ECE bölümünden 2008’in baharında. Yaman Hoca’nın açtığı yoldan aynı dönem bir öğrencimize daha asistanlık aldık Northeastern’dan. Ertesi sene bir tane daha. Yaman Hoca ile 2008 yazında Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi’nde yüzyüze görüşme imkanı buldum, elini sıktım, teşekkür ettim. Daha sonra değerli kızı Zeynep ile de tanışma imkanım oldu Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi’nde. “A Celebration of Life: Yaman Yener” videosundan şu an Northeastern’da visiting prof olan değerli meslektaşım Bülent Bilir sayesinde haberim oldu. Tüm videoyu seyrettim. Gördüm ki hayatın en büyük hediyesi aynı Yaman Hoca’nın yaptığı gibi insanlara hediye vermek. O insanlara en yararlı en kalıcı hediyeleri vermiş. Bir eğitmen daha önemlisi bir insan olarak Yaman Hoca ve benzeri insanları kendime “role model” edindim. “A Celebration of Life: Yaman Yener” bana gösterdi ki başka bir role model’a ihtiyacım yok. Yaman Hoca hep yaşayacak. Ruhu mutlu olsun.

Walter Buchanan said:   October 18th, 2013 4:28 pm
It was an honor to have an office next to Yaman during my 6 years at Northeastern. The memorial service was very moving and certainly showed the great man that he was. We will all miss him very much.

Birim Esener Karakaş said:   October 10th, 2013 7:53 am
Değerli Hocamı ve ailesini 1998-2000 yılları arasında Northeastern üniversitesinde master yaparken tanıdım. Bana Boston’da ikinci bir aile oldular, hocam okulda her konumuzla yakından ilgilendi, tanıdığım en muhteşem insanlardan biriydi. Rahat uyuyun hocam, sizi hiç unutmayacağım.

İlyas ÇELİKOĞLU said:   September 30th, 2013 7:15 am
Degerli Hocamizi 1996 yilinda Boston’da master yaparken tanidim. Cok yardımsever bir insan olan Yaman Hocanin varligi bizlere guc veriyordu. Kendisne Allahtan Rahmet, yakinlarina da sabirlar diliyorum.

Pelin Ersavas said:   September 27th, 2013 10:32 am
Hocam, bu zamana kadar elim varıp da yazamadım. Fotograflarınıza bakamadım. Hep Boston’da bıraktığım gibi üniversitede odanızda olduğunuzu varsaydım. Bugün çok değerli arkadaşlarım Burcu ve Tuba’nın sizin için hazırladığı anma törenini duyunca utandım.. Orada olamayacağım için çok üzüldüm.. Ve yazmak istedim.. Herkesin herkese güvenmesi kolay değil.. Siz bize güvendiniz, bizi kendimize inandırdınız.. Sizin sayenizde gittikçe çirkinleşen dünyaya iyi, umutlu, yararlı insanlar yetişti. Umarım görüyor ve gururla rahat yatıyorsunuzdur..

Cristina Carta Villa said:   September 6th, 2013 3:50 am
Nos familles se sont rencontrées pour la première fois en 1990 a’ boston. Nous avions deux filles du même âge, Zeynep et Livia, Démet et moi sommes devenues inséparables. Durant 23 annees qui viennent de s’ecouler, la présence bienveillante de Yaman a toujours accompagne’ d’un sourire, d’un mot d’esprit nos rencontres familiales. C’était un réel bonheur de voir a’ chaque fois comme Yaman arrivait a’ dénouer une situation difficile, a’ trouver une solution a’ nos petits ou grands problèmes, a’ nous encourager. C’était un véritable gentleman, doue’ d’un humour subtil et d’une gentillesse a’ toute épreuve. Combien d’éclats de rire durant toutes ces années, combien de conseils il nous a donne’ avec son habituelle gentillesse et intelligence, combien de larmes il a su consoler aussi. J’ai perdu un ami irremplaçable, un frère. Durant sa longue maladie, pas un jour il ne s’est plaint, arrivant au contraire a’ donner du courage a’ tous ses proches. C’était un gagnant, un homme fort. Sa serenite’, sa force de caractère, son élégance et sa bonte’ resteront pour toujours imprimes dans nos coeurs. Il va beaucoup nous manquer..

Mehmet Toner said:   August 26th, 2013 11:40 pm
Dear Yaman Hoca: I virtually met you first while learning heat transfer from your textbooks at the Istanbul Technical University. The hefty equations you have in your books did not give me a very warm feeling about you! My heart was jealous that you would be able to deal with such complex problems with such elegance while my brain was very unhappy that I had to learn at times individual equations going beyond a single page. It wasn’t easy. After graduation and moving to Boston I vividly remember meeting you in your office. I was excited and proud to meet such an accomplished Turkish scientist whose books have shaped my academic life forever. I had to come to realize very quickly that you are not only a super star in heat transfer and engineering but more importantly the nicest and most caring person, the father of all Turks in Boston and beyond. You made me a better person. I can’t thank you enough. You will always be in my heart! Boston will never be the same.

Rick Scranton said:   August 19th, 2013 10:26 am
I mourn the loss of a wonderful man, a scholar and a true gentleman who touched many,many colleagues, students and others during his life. Yet I recognize how fortunate I was to know and work with him for many years, and I still admire his analytical, yet warm, respectful and diplomatic approach to resolving difficult issues. Yaman will be missed but long remembered.

Ece (Gamsiz) Uzun said:   August 22nd, 2013 10:42 pm
Yaman Hocamizin aramizdan ayrilmasina ailecek cok uzulduk. Doktoram boyunca kendisinin verdigi destegi hicbir zaman unutamam. Northeastern’da okuyan Turk ogrencilerin her zaman yanindaydi. Eksikligini her zaman hissedicez. Demet Hanim ve Zeynep sizlere sabir ve bassagligi diliyoruz.

Elizabeth A. Diaz said:   August 5th, 2013 12:10 pm
To Mrs. Demet Yener and Miss Zeynep Yener: You are both in my thoughts and have my most heartfelt condolences on the passing of Professor Yener, a wonderful human being by all accounts of the notes of sympathy and remembrances left here. Dr. Yener possessed finesse, kindness, wisdom and graciousness which he showed to his fellow colleagues. His scholarly pursuits and undertakings did not exclude a love for the best things in life or the joy of interacting jovially with whomever he came to know. I remember Professor Yener on a personal level with great kindness and concern for my own person and for the great interest he showed for the welfare of all his students, both American and international. He had a wonderful sense of humor. You can both be so proud that he lived such a fruitful life which will blossom in each and every one of us. He will be remembered by me and many of us whose lives he touched with the most profound and deepest affection.

Nilsun Biçer said: July 11th, 2013 8:22 am
Dear Yener family and my dearest Zeynep, Zeynom you know i have been waiting for the right time to write this and today is the day. I hope that my thoughts will bring some comfort to you and your lovely mother. I only got the chance to know you this past year. But you are the first person that i met when i came into this family and my God have i met one of the best people so far in my life. I did not get a chance to know your lovely father, Yaman, very well but i can tell how a beautiful human being he was from the daughter that he raised with Demet Hanım. I do not know if people tell you this very often but you resemble your father very much. The first time i saw you and the first time i saw him…i got the same feelings for both, beautiful and kind people. It is an art to be a good person and your father was one. He will continue to live through you and your mother, within his friends’ memories. He has lived a very long and wonderful life by helping many others and has managed to have a positive imprint on everyone’s memories that have come to know him. I love you very much. Nilsun Biçer

Gokhan Tunc said: July 17th, 2013 11:39 am
Like countless others, I am very upset to hear about Prof. Yaman Yener’s passing. He made a major impact on my life by securing my graduate studies in the United States, which has shaped the rest of my life. His kindness, selflessness, and dedication to academia have made a profound contribution to the profession. He leaves behind him an important legacy that will last for generations to come, as well as thousands of former students and colleagues who will miss him tremendously. Prof. Yaman Yener will always remain a role model in all the lives he touched, and an individual to which we will all aspire. With my deepest sympathies, Dr. Gokhan Tunc

Jack Erban, MD said: August 4th, 2013 11:46 am
Dear Mrs. Yener and Zeynep I wish express my sincerest condolences to you both on the passing of a great man. Though I met Professo Yener only in his last weeks of life, his spirit, warmth, grace and vitality were evident absolutely everywhere. He was remarkable. It was simply a privilege for me to have had the opportunity to care for your husband and father. Despite his illness, he never expressed a moment of self pity or sadness- such a strong man. I was so pleased you were able to bring him to your home on his last day. I know he surely felt the warmth and peace of his home when it was so very important. What a wonderful gesture of love and respect. Your care of Professor Yener left no stone unturned, truly. I wish you much peace in the weeks and months ahead, and thank you for forwarding the notice from Northeastern University, which was so meaningful and respectful. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any service to you at any time, now or in the future. Thank you so much for taking the time now to send me this most gracious and kind note. I am honored. With deepest respect and sympathy, to you and to your family. Sincerely, Jack Erban

Yannis Moati said: July 30th, 2013 6:48 pm
you will truly be missed Yaman. But thank God, you have an amazing wife and daughter that will carry on the good work you have set on earth. Bravo Zeyneb, Bravo Demet, may the foundation live forever. lots of love.

Daniele + Giovanna said:   July 14th, 2013 1:32 pm
It is rare in life to come across an individual who it is a privilege to call a friend. How proud and blessed we have been that Yaman was one of those exceptional people that touched our lives for so many years. Though words can hardly express the sadness in our hearts, we take comfort in the many wonderful moments we shared. Arrivederci caro amico! We will miss your dignity, your grace, your unassuming presence and that ever gentle demeanor but, most of all, we will miss your kind friendship.

Paul and Pat King said: July 2nd, 2013 4:16 pm
We were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our dear friend and colleague. Ironically we have been visiting in Turkey for the past two weeks and came home to this sad news. Yaman was the model of a first rate academic scholar, teacher and administrator. Above all his winsome personality and his clear desire to go the extra mile for his students set an example for Northeastern for years to come. We have many fond memories of times together and offer our sincere condolences to Demet and Zeynep.

Sureyya Ciliv said: July 3rd, 2013 3:08 am
We are all sad by passing of Yaman abi, a gread friend, a great human. But we should also celebrate his life, and all learn from him and his life. We all participate in life journey for a short time. It is rare that someone leaves such positive feelings with so many people. We will always love and remember you Yaman abi. Demet and Zeynep we are one family. Cok Sevgiler

Tuna Guvenel said: July 3rd, 2013 3:49 pm
Dear Professor Yaman Yener, no doubt, 202 messages that I glanced through, could not define a person, especially someone in your quality and caliber. However, through the writings of those who had the fortune of knowing you in person, I found out that so many benefitted from, not only your knowledge but more importantly from your friendship and wisdom. Being around you seems to have been -once in a life time- opportunity for almost all of them as it may have been for you. By exchanging knowledge in its scientific, humanistic and perhaps even holistic form, in their eyes, you seemed to have reached to an “Exceptional Person” level. In my short reading, I learned enough to know that your goal was not to reach to any level but only to the minds, hearts and souls of those who came in contact with you. Well Sir, you did reach to my heart and my soul as well and I too am very proud to get to know you, even if it was only to bid you a farewell. I would like to express my deepest condolences to the family, friends and students of this Exceptional Person. May he rest in peace.

Sonia Pasquale said: June 29th, 2013 11:34 am
Feeling sad at the loss of an amazing person and friend. You taught me to never give up and fight to the very end…You showed me that miracles can happen…And you did it all with so much grace and peace. Thank you for blessing my life with your presence. “I will see you again, this is not where it ends, I will carry you with me…’Till I see you again.” RIP Y.Y.

Ronald Perry said: June 29th, 2013 9:15 pm
I had the great pleasure of working closely with Yaman when he was director of the graduate school. He was always most understanding and supportive of students and helpful to me. Yaman was a dear colleague and friend and leaves a great void. My sincere condolences to Demet and Zeynep.

Jacques Padet said:   June 22nd, 2013 9:33 pm
Dear Demet and Zeynep, I feel very sad, and send you my warmest condolences. Colette and I we remember Yaman’s visit at Reims with Zeynep, and also how Mathilde, Colette and I, we were warmly welcomed at your home. Several other friendly meetings come to our memory. As it is said in Nadine Aubry’s letter, Yaman was a true gentleman. With love, Jacques

Bahram Shafai said:   June 24th, 2013 4:50 pm
Yaman Yener, a true scholar with many valuable qualities, left us. He will always be remembered. We certainly miss him for many years to come. Sincere condolences to his wife Demet and his daughter Zeynep from Bahram and Sohelia Shafai.

Golnaz Amin said:   June 24th, 2013 1:24 pm
Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi says Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere, they’re in each other all along You are forever together and I shall always cherish our Friendship my Dear Friends Yaman, Demet and Zeynep. With Love Goli

Briana said:   June 24th, 2013 10:51 am
My thoughts and healing wishes are with your family. Deepest sympathy to you all.

Charles Siewert said:   June 25th, 2013 10:43 am
I greatly miss Yaman — always a good friend and a very good colleague —- AND our times together in Istanbul will especially always bring back very pleasant memories — I can see him now negotiating a good price (for me) for a cheap umbrella outside the Covered Market. We will see you two soon (Boston, Turkey, or Raleigh if you would like a break sometime). Much love, Chuck

Selen Ciliv Hotamisligil said:   June 20th, 2013 11:48 pm
It is very hard to say goodbye to Yaman Hoca and we don’t want to, but we need to remember that he touched so many people’s lives, so positively. As a family, we are so lucky that we were in that group. We had a chance to meet him when we came to US in 1988. Demet and Yaman Hoca became a family for us from day 1. Our kids. Leyla and Derin have felt the same way, started calling him “Dede”. We knew that he was always there for us when we needed him. We had a chance to spend a lot of time together through dinners, holidays, and poker parties. We had the opportunity to see his witty and smart side through his jokes and the sparks in his eyes when we talked about Zeynep’s accomplishments. We admired Yaman, Demet and Zeynep more when we witnessed how they approached the most difficult times in the last four years. We will miss Yaman Hoca more than we can ever say. I will always remember his smile and big heart.

Gokhan Hotamisligil said:   June 21st, 2013 7:39 pm
Yaman Abi was calm, always, listening, always, caring always. He never carried any agenda in any relationship, he was genuinely happy when we did something good, and genuinely sad when his friends were in difficulty. He brought us together here, and that continues even now, after he called “all in”. We love you, will always do.

Gokhan Hotamisligil said:   June 21st, 2013 7:32 pm
One of our greatest privileges was the friendship of Yaman Abi together with Demet and Zeynep. We get know them in Boston, and I feel like Boston will never be the same again. Having said that, I also feel if we just talk about the great life of him, there will be so much material to celebrate that it will never end.

Yesiltepe ve Jalbert families said:   June 21st, 2013 9:55 am
Sevgili Demet Ablacigim, ve Zeynepcigim.. We are so sad, and feel it is impossible to come up with right words. We can imagine the ache you feel now, no one can repair, but all the sevgi saygi we have for him, he will be treasured thought, and cherished forever. Our hearts go out to you both on these difficult days. Yaman abi gibi birisinin ailemizin parcasi oldugu icin, ve onu tanidigimiz icin ogunuyoruz. The way he lived his life, and the lives he touched throughout, we will all cherish his memory in our minds and hearts forever. Lots of love, and hugs..

Nafi and Charlotte Toksoz said:   June 20th, 2013 10:31 am
We have lost a dear friend and leading scholar. We extend our deepest condolences to his wife, Demet Hanim, his children and his entire family. May he rest in heaven.

Yusuf Ozbek said:   June 20th, 2013 10:27 am
He has been like a second father to me. For the last 5-6 years, it has been a ritual for me to stop by his office almost every day to say hi to start the day. I can not even begin to imagine what it will mean now that he will no longer be there. I will miss him a lot; our discussions, his advice and suggestions. May God give him eternal rest and may his soul rest in peace.

Cem and Lyn Elbi said:   June 20th, 2013 12:48 pm
“You have walked among us a spirit, and your shadow has been a light upon our faces”. Kahlil Gibran “….soar across the sky radiant as a star- no, through the stratosphere unconditioned, heaven-bound, beyond earth’s gravity toward the brilliant Sun”. RUMI

Laura H. Lewis said:   June 20th, 2013 12:40 pm
This quote from Solomon Ibn Gabriol ( Andalusian poet and philosopher (~1021- 1058) reminded me of how Yaman lived his life at Northeastern: “The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second listening, the third memory, the fourth practice, the fifth teaching others.” He will be missed for a very very long time.

Sandhya said:   June 20th, 2013 3:15 pm
We are going to miss you deeply !! Rest in peace.

Yung Jung Jung said: June 17th, 2013 3:16 pm
I will miss him a lot and never forget his gentle smile and warm welcome on me. I will pray for his eternal peace and my deep condolences to his family. Yung Joon Jung

Hanoch Lev-Ari said: June 17th, 2013 3:25 pm
I was deeply saddened by the news about the untimely passing of Yaman Yener. I was in close contact with him during my six-year tenure as Chair of the ECE Graduate Affairs Committee, at a time when Yaman served as the Director of the Graduate School of Engineering (GSE). Yaman was the heart of the GSE, both as an incredibly efficient administrator and as a source of constant practical help. Yaman was a cheerful and warm person, a dear friend, and a counselor in need. I will miss him very much. Hanoch Lev-Ari, ECE department

Mishac Yegian said: June 17th, 2013 3:25 pm
Yaman Yener: a truly dedicated leader of the College of Engineering, a great scholar and teacher, and my dear friend. I will miss him immensely.

Agnes Chan said: June 17th, 2013 3:22 pm
Dear Demet, My deepest condolence to your loss. Yaman has been a great friend and a great colleague, I will miss him. Agnes

Shakir Mustafa said: June 17th, 2013 3:22 pm
Sorry to hear about the loss of our esteemed colleague. Condolences to the family.

Katherine Swan said: June 17th, 2013 3:18 pm
Professor Yener was a true gentleman. I will miss him greatly.

Siu Ming Luie said: June 17th, 2013 3:40 pm
Dear Demet, I am so sorry for your loss. My heart and thoughts are with you and your family. Please take good care. ~siu ming

Tricia Mckinney said: June 17th, 2013 3:35 pm
I am very saddened by your loss. I had the honor of traveling with Dr. Yener to Dubai for the annual yield event. He will be missed by all in the NU community.

Anthony De Ritis said: June 17th, 2013 3:32 pm
Although I am a professor in the Music Department, I had met Yaman on some committee years ago. He taught me to say “Merhaba” — “Hello” and is how we always greeted each other when we passed walking around campus. I had worked with some Turkish musicians through UNESCO, gentlemen who played the bağlama and the cümbüş, which we talked about each time we met. When I had the opportunity to visit Istanbul, he prepared for me an entire itinerary, with reference materials and travel information — he really gave of himself. This is a sad day for me, but I am joyous in having known Professor Yener — there was always a smile when we met — and I will always smile when I think of him.

Michael Gladstone said: June 17th, 2013 3:29 pm
Demet, Please accept my sincere condolences on Yaman’s passing. Michael Gladstone

Mary Loeffelholz said: June 17th, 2013 3:28 pm
It was a privilege to know and work with Yaman. My deepest sympathies to his family in their loss. Sincerely, Mary Loeffelholz Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Northeastern

Srinivas Sridhar said: June 17th, 2013 4:15 pm
It was an honor and a privilege to have interacted with Yaman. I worked with him closely when I was Vice Provost for Research and he was Assoc Dean for Graduate Studies in the College of Engineering. He was always a truly gentle person. His concern for students was always evident. He was also an extraordinary host when we visited several universities in Turkey. My sincere condolences to Demet and Zeynep.

Tarek Sobh said: June 17th, 2013 4:14 pm
My deepest condolences to Dean Yener’s family, friends and students. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. Professor Yener’s life and accomplishments are an inspiration for all of us who knew him, and his legacy will continue on in his students and for generations to come.

Beverly Kris Jaeger said: June 17th, 2013 4:08 pm
We will miss you here in the College of Engineering, Yaman, your peaceful strength and warm smile, mot to mention your brilliance. You saw me through Graduate School and supported me as I joined the faculty. I enjoyed bringing you one of your favorites – my pistachio bars!

Gloria Sciuto said: June 17th, 2013 4:00 pm
Demet, condolences. You and your family are in my thoughts. Gloria

Mitchell Wand said: June 17th, 2013 3:51 pm
I worked with Yaman for many years on a variety of university committees. He was always a pleasure to work with, and we shared the goal of improving graduate education at NU. I wish you, his family, all the best in this difficult time. Sincerely, Mitchell Wand

Richard West said: June 17th, 2013 5:03 pm
I was surprised to find meeting the Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs a highlight of my interview day, but it was; Yaman seemed so warm, caring, and genuine. He will be sorely missed.

Yiannis Levendis said: June 17th, 2013 4:37 pm
Still waiting for your visits every day. You are still alive in my heart.

Donna DiGiovanni said: June 17th, 2013 4:36 pm
Dear Demet, My heartfelt condolences to you and your daughter. Although I never met your husband, I can see the rich legacy he leaves in the thoughts expressed by his colleagues and many friends. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Donna

Yildiz Bayazitoglu said: June 17th, 2013 4:30 pm
Yaman was my friend for almost 40 years, how can I not miss him!.. It is hard to accept that this unique individual having superb personality will not be physically around anymore. However, his memories will always live with us.

Hamid Hashemi said: June 17th, 2013 4:19 pm
Dear colleagues and Yaman’s family: I was sad by passing my dear friend Yaman. He was a true gentleman and an excellent colleague with great wisdom. I miss him a lot.

Stefano Basagni said: June 17th, 2013 6:19 pm
You will be greatly missed, Yaman. Thank you for invaluable mentorship and welcoming attitude. My heartfelt condolences to the family.

Peter O’Reilly said: June 17th, 2013 5:29 pm
It was a pleasure to have worked with Yaman in his role as Associate Dean of the Graduate School. He was always such a perfect gentleman, so courteous and old-worldly. A real class act. He will be greatly missed. My sincere condolences to his family, here and in Turkey.

Yildirim Bayazitoglu said: June 17th, 2013 5:24 pm
Yaman was a colleague and a very good friend of my wife Yildiz. I am not in academia and did not have professional interaction with him. However I became good friends with him when I attended conferences with my wife whenever I was able to take time off from my work. As a matter of fact to be able to get together with Yaman was one of the main reasons why I really tried to attend such conferences. Our friendship continued with email correspondences. I will always remember him as a very smart, sincere, cheerful and fun person to be with..

Masoud Modaresifar said: June 17th, 2013 5:15 pm
It was a great honor for me knowing professor Yener. He will be missed.

Jingzhi Bridget Yu said: June 17th, 2013 5:07 pm

I am totally dumbfounded by such terrible and sad news. I remember last time I help him to install a software and he talked to me in vigorous and rich voice. It is so hard to believe he has passed away….

Mehmet Cem Apaydin said: June 18th, 2013 12:51 am
I appreciate his efforts on me at the graduate school of engineering. He always did his best for his students including me. May Allah make his way to the best place with his will. May his mercy and grace be upon the Yener family too. Regards, Cem

Zhenwei Yan said: June 17th, 2013 10:40 pm
It is a great sadness to hear Mr. Yaman’s left. I have just finish one semester with Mr Yaman. Who I regard as a outstanding guidence on the academic. He leaded us to his professional research field, it influenced me as far. About Mr Yaman in my eyes, it’s April that he had a wound on his leg, he came to the class as usual. Mostly he touched me by his patience and striction on student. Finally, may him rest in peace. For all the brightness he has left behind.

Nur Kilic said: June 17th, 2013 9:48 pm
We were blessed to have Yaman in our lives. He touched many people with his kindness and generosity. Our deepest condolences to Zeynep and Demet.

Nilgun Fescioglu-Unver said: June 18th, 2013 2:28 am
Yaman Hocam, As a student we always felt your help and support. Even years after graduation you were still a guide to us. Thank you for everything. Mekanın cennet olsun. Demet Hanım ve Zeynep, başınız sağolsun.

Gaby Villa said: June 18th, 2013 4:44 am
You cannot imagine my feelings when I learned that bad news. I was hoping that he was going to survive for a long time. I will never forget him and his sweetness. He was a wonderful person remaining forever in my heart. Love as always Gaby

Cathy Yilmaz said: June 18th, 2013 8:13 am
We are so very saddened to hear the news of Yaman’s passing. You and Zeynep are in our thoughts and prayers. Basiniz sagolsun.

Sean Cox said: June 18th, 2013 7:54 am
Dear Zeynep and Demet – I am very sorry to learn about your loss. I consider myself fortunate to have met Yaman and to have gotten to know him, for however briefly. Thoughts and prayers are with you both.

Guniz said: June 18th, 2013 8:40 am
With great sadness I learned that Prof. Yaman Yener passed away. He was a long time and a dear friend of myself and my husband Kemal Guruz. August 2004- August 2005 I worked as a Visiting Professor at the Chemical Engineering Department at Northeastern University. Our offices were right across of each other, I have so fond memories of those wonderful days. Not a day passed by without saying Hi to each other. Yaman and his wonderful wife Demet welcomed us so many times at their beautiful home, the gatherings made our stay in Boston more memorable. He was a wonderful husband, father, friend, scholar, teacher and a true gentleman. We will miss him a lot. Guniz, Kemal Guruz

Jian Zhang said: June 18th, 2013 9:03 am
Prof. Yener, Your knowledge and wisdom will continuously radiate on us, we are missing you.

David Luzzi said: June 18th, 2013 9:56 am
We have lost a dear colleague. Yaman was a first-rate scholar, teacher, supporter of young people and their aspirations, nurturing administrator, and warm, consummate gentleman. He was devoted to his family. The university and the college of engineering did not have a better ambassador and enthusiast. He valued and held in affection his colleagues and people around him. In his final years, he offered lessons to all of us on how to handle affliction and personal adversity with grace and optimism. He will be deeply missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with Yaman, Demet and Zeynep.

BAUMEZUN said: June 18th, 2013 11:57 am
Rest in peace professor. Condolences to his family and Zeynep in the first place.

Mary Robbins said: June 18th, 2013 10:44 am
Yaman was a wonderful man – talented, articulate, generous, kind, and an absolute joy to know and to work with. And his stories were unforgettable. My favorite was the one about the dog. His daughter wanted a dog and he and Demet got one for her. As it turned out, she wasn’t so fond of the dog and they decided to give it up. But he said to me: “You know, I really liked the dog! He would come and jump on me when I came home from work and he was so happy to see me!” After hearing that story, I thought many times about gentle Yaman arriving at home and walking in the door to be greeted by a big, happy golden retriever that was just as delighted to see him as we all were when he walked into a meeting. Thank you, Yaman, for the gift of your friendship.

Frank Kulacki said: June 18th, 2013 12:28 pm
Yaman was, from the first time I met him at Delaware, a gentleman and a true academic. Over the years I came to appreciate this more, and when I visited NU when Paul King was dean, Yaman was very optimistic on the future of the college and direction that seemed to be taking place. In a very great measure, I think his steady